The Future of Voting - and What It Means for Politics & Business (ft. Bradley Tusk)

Jeremy Goldman Season 1 Episode 56

Today we're speaking to Bradley Tusk, one of the leading experts at the intersection of politics and business. Bradley is a fascinating guy: a venture capitalist, political strategist and writer. He created Tusk Ventures, the world’s first venture capital fund to work with and invest solely in high growth startups facing political and regulatory challenges. Tusk Philanthropies is leading the U.S. efforts to allow people to vote in elections on their phones. Previously, Bradley served as campaign manager for Mike Bloomberg, as Deputy Governor of Illinois, as Communications Director for Senator Charles Schumer and as Uber’s first political strategist. 

On this episode we discuss: 

  • Going into the 2020 election, why doesn't the US have a better system for voting?
  • What Bradley's Tusk Philantropies is doing to champion mobile voting
  • Why mobile voting may become as commonplace as mobile banking has become
  • Why US voting doesn't represent the mainstream's views, and what the long-term benefits might be for our society if the voting population comes closer to representing the actual population
  • Why Bradley's old boss Michael Bloomberg didn't run in 2016 but might have decided to run in 2020

Want more of Bradley? He recently wrote a memoir called The Fixer: My Adventures Saving Startups From Death By Politics (it's great), and also hosts a podcast called Firewall.

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