AI & the Pandemic Effect (ft. Bret Greenstein, Cognizant)

July 21, 2021 Jeremy Goldman Season 1 Episode 136

Earlier this year, the multibillion-dollar business consulting and IT giant Cognizant joined XPRIZE to launch the Pandemic Response Challenge, a competition to create AI systems that can help societies reopen safely in the wake of COVID-19. Cognizant’s work was based on data from Oxford and John Hopkins and provided data-centric strategies for governments that want to support healthcare professionals in the fight against future pandemics. 

Given that, we wanted to speak to Bret Greenstein, the SVP and Global Head of AI & Analytics at Cognizant to discuss the Pandemic Response Challenge, how COVID has shaped the direction of AI research, the promise AI holds for a number of industries, and how we guard against the potential pitfalls that AI and algorithms may hold.

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